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* Prices are in USD

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For new subscription:
- Click on "Subscribe Now" button for the selected package
- Select the quantity according to the number of the subscribed churches and complete the payment.
- After successful payment, complete your registration in the following form Click Here
- Your request shall be handled within 3 days.
For subscription renewal:
- Click on "Subscribe Now" button for the selected package to extend.
- Select the quantity according to the number of the current subscribed churches and complete the payment.
- Close the page, login to admin panel and click "Renew Subscription" and fill the form.

To find out about more payment options

Call Us  (+2) 0122-355-4040

from 10 AM : 2 PM and 6 PM : 9 PM

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Then activate your subscription here

Make sure you have the payment receipt

الكنيسة داخل مصر؟

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