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From day one, we realized that Coptic content is the most important component of this project. Most Coptic content providers work independently to enrich and update our Coptic heritage.


Great effort was done and is being done by a number of elite groups who serve tirelessly to glorify the name of GOD and spread the word to new generations, young generation that requires a new medium, a generation that has a completely different mindset.


We took it upon ourselves to work with the most recognized Coptic content providers to include their content and make it available to servants and kids and realize the highest possible value. 

Below are some of the providers who kindly accepted to be included.

Southern United States  Curriculum

Under the supervision of H.G. Bishop Youssef. A group of faithful servants from St. Mark Coptic Orthodox church in Houston felt the need for major modification of Sunday School Curriculum to better suite Coptic children in North America. Five years later, a revamped curriculum is published and now serving English speakers across the globe.

With the blessing of H.G. Bishop Youssef, Sons of Light app has the SUS Curriculum as an option for its English users all over the globe.

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Shepherd's Voice

Established in 1975 under the vision of Father Bishoy Kamel in St George church, Sporting, Alexandria.
It started as a magazine geared towards teens, then it developed into a whole set of publications, for kids, and teens. Shepherd’s Voice Center, led by Engineer Ihab Azer provides coloring books, bible stories for kids, spiritual books, animated stories, Interactive CDs and a wide range of discounted publications for Sunday School service. Some Publications are provided in Arabic, English and French language. Many of them are now integrated with Sons of Light app.


Koogi is the first Coptic Orthodox Channel for the Child all over the world.  It was launched in November 2015 by His Holiness and Glory (HH) Pope Tawadros II, the 118th and current Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark It is under the supervision of His Eminence (HE) Metropolitan Marcos of the Coptic Orthodox Archbishopric of Shoubra El-Keima and its affiliated regions in Egypt.  


Koogi is a channel that works to create a successful and integrated personality for the child in all fields ‫)‬Ecclesiastical, educational and national) Koogi is a live window for the child on the church and the whole world, where it provides him with all the scientific and Ecclesiastical teachings in an interesting and attractive way.


New Sunday School Curriculum

In 2014. Faith and Education Committee published a new Sunday School Curriculum serving KG, Primary and Preparatory stages under the supervision of H.G. Bishop Daniel, Bishop of Maadi Churches.

A number of committees were created to review previous curriculum and then started creating the new ones after careful and precise reviews.

Youth Bishopric Cartoon Center

Youth Bishopric Cartoon Center is responsible for creating cartoon content for kids. It has a mission to simplify Coptic content and present it to kids in a visual and attractive format that kids are used to nowadays - as in other non-religious content they consume online.

The center created a wide range of cartoons in the form of Bible stories, Saints stories, Hymns for Kids and others.

The content is also available now through Sons of Light app.



Our ambition is even more than reaching out, we aspire to create our own original content, using state of the art technology, speaking the same language that our kids speak today, be it Augmented Reality, VIrtual Reality and Interactive Gamification of Bible study. We are on the lookout for the latest technology to bring a better Christian education to our kids. Our biggest challenge, besides finding the creative talents, is to secure funds to build such amazing content and tools.


It doesn't stop here, we urge any Coptic content provider with focus on Sunday school and kids to contact us and get better visibility, more exposure and more importantly: more benefit for our kids and servants.

We will be more than happy to hear from you.

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